Category: Islamic blogs

The Essence of Ramadan – Period of Spiritual Reflection

A Period of Spiritual Reflection and Development

  • The goal of fasting throughout Ramadan is to achieve Taqwa, or God-consciousness, rather than only refraining from food and liquids.
  • Taqwa is used to symbolize the balanced approach to spirituality that Ramadan promotes. It is compared to a bird, where knowledge is the body, love is the head, and hope and fear are the wings.


The Role of Taqwa in Achieving a Righteous Life

  • The Importance of Taqwa in Living a Righteous Life Examine Quran 2:183, which instructs believers to fast to develop Taqwa, which is righteousness or an increased sense of Allah’s presence.
  • Living a life of mindful obedience to Allah is referred to as Taqwa, and it is likened to treading cautiously on a path paved with thorns to achieve Spiritual Reflection.

The Qualities of Those Who Embrace Taqwa

  • The early verses of Surah Al-Baqarah highlight three traits of those who possess Taqwa: belief in the unseen, constant prayer, and giving through Zakat.
  • In order to determine whether fasting has gotten us any closer to these goals, we should examine our own lives.

The Blessings and Rewards of Taqwa

  • The many blessings—forgiveness of sins, ease in our affairs, and the ultimate recompense of Paradise—bestowed upon those who fear Allah and live obedient to Him.
  • These blessings are promised in the Quran, encouraging us to work toward Taqwa in our daily lives.

The Unchanging Core of Ramadan Amidst Change

  • The fundamental goal of Ramadan is still the same: using Taqwa to draw us nearer to Allah.
  • This Ramadan can be a time to refuel spiritually, looking to Allah for guidance and success via a closer relationship.

Conclusion: A Prayer for Taqwa and Unity

  • May Allah, who is the source of all guidance and unity, provide us and our families the light of comfort via Taqwa and establish us as leaders among the righteous.
  • During the month of Ramadan, each of us should spend some time contemplating the verses in the Quran that discuss Taqwa and resolving to live more obediently by the teachings of Islam.

Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj (the Night Journey & Ascension of Prophet ﷺ through 7 Heavens)

Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj (the Night Journey & Ascension) is a miracle second only to the revelation of the Qur’an, and it is therefore important that we don’t let this night slip by without reflecting on its lessons and its significance.

The story of Al Isra Wal Miraj, the miraculous night journey and ascension of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is a significant event in Islamic history. This journey is divided into two parts: Al-Isra’, the night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, and Al-Mi’raj, the ascension to the heavens.

During Al-Isra’, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was taken  on Buraq to Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. Here, he led a congregation of prophets in prayer. This part of the journey is supported by various Hadiths, including those in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim, indicating its importance and authenticity in Islamic tradition.

The second part, Al-Mi’raj, involved the Prophet’s ascension through the seven heavens, where he met different prophets at each level, culminating in his experience at the Lote Tree and the Throne of Allah. This aspect of the journey, At several points along the journey, Jibra’eel (as) stopped Buraq and told the Prophet (saw), ‘Dismount and pray’. The first stop was at ‘the place of emigration’ i.e. Madinah – and soon after this night the Prophet (saw) would meet the Ansar and migrate to Madinah. The second stop was at Mount Sinai, where Allah (swt) revealed the Torah to Musa (as). The third stop was at Bethlehem, where ’Isa (as) was born.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) arrived in the holy city of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and he said, ’When we reached Bait al-Maqdis Jibril (as) pointed with his finger causing a crack in the rock, and he tied the Buraq to it [at the western wall of the noble sanctuary]’ (Tirmidhi 3132). Waiting inside were all  Prophets (as). Jibra’eel (as) led the Prophet (saw) to the front, and he (saw) led them all in prayer in this blessed space.


The first evidence is from Quranic scripture Chapter 17 verse one ( Surah Isra’) :

سُبۡحٰنَ الَّذِىۡۤ اَسۡرٰى بِعَبۡدِهٖ لَيۡلاً مِّنَ الۡمَسۡجِدِ الۡحَـرَامِ اِلَى الۡمَسۡجِدِ الۡاَقۡصَا الَّذِىۡ بٰرَكۡنَا حَوۡلَهٗ لِنُرِيَهٗ مِنۡ اٰيٰتِنَاؕ اِنَّهٗ هُوَ السَّمِيۡعُ الۡبَصِيۡرُ

Glory to Him who made His servant travel by night from the sacred place of worship to the furthest place of worship, by whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him some of Our signs: He alone is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.(Qur’an 17:1)

Surah Al-Isra

The second evidence is also from Quranic scripture, in Surah Najm Chapter 53: verses 5 to 18.

Surah An-Najm

However, this evidence is a subtle reference to the second phase which is Al-Mira’j , unlike the first one which is clear and coherent evidence of the first phase Al-Isra’.

It was taught to him by [an angel] with mighty powers and great strength, who stood on the highest horizon and then approached––coming down

It was taught to him by [an angel]c with mighty powers and great strength, who stood on the highest horizon and then approached––coming down9 until he was two bow-lengths away or even closer––10 and revealed to God’s servant what He revealed. 11 [The Prophet’s] own heart did not distort what he saw. 12 Are you going to dispute with him what he saw with his own eyes? 13 A second time he saw him: 14by the lote tree beyond which none may pass 15 near the Garden of Restfulness,16 when the tree was covered in nameless [splendor].e 17 His sight never wavered, nor was it too bold, 18 and he saw some of the greatest signs of his Lord

Evidence from hadith or prophetic narrations ﷺ:

There are numerous narrations from the prophetic ahadith to fortify the journey of Al-Isra’ wa Al Miraj, namely a few are mentioned below from authentic texts of Sahih bukhari, Muslim and Tirmidhi.

  1. When the Prophet (saw) was sleeping in the house of Umm Hani (ra) in Makkah he said, ‘the roof of my house was opened and the Angel Jibril [as] descended’ (Bukhari). Scholars reconciling between various narrations say the Prophet (saw) was then taken to the Hijr, the semi-circular wall of the Ka‘bah, where the Prophet (saw) said that Jibril (as), ‘opened my chest, and washed it with Zamzam water. Then he brought a golden tray full of wisdom and faith and having poured its contents into my chest, he closed it’.
  2. The Prophet (saw) continued, ‘I was then brought a white beast which is called al-Buraq [from the Arabic word barq, meaning lightning], bigger than a donkey and smaller than a mule. Its stride was as long as the eye could reach. [Muslim 416]
  3. It is narrated by Anas (ra) that Buraq was, ‘saddled and reined, but he shied from him (saw). So Jibril [as] said to him, “Is it from Muhammad [saw] that you do this? For nobody has ridden you who is more honorable to Allah than him!” He said, “Then he started sweating profusely”’.  [Tirmidhi]

The dominant opinion is that the Prophet (saw) alongside Jibril (as) then proceeded to the Noble Rock (as-Sakhrah al-Musharrafah) that is currently housed by the holy Dome of the Rock Masjid at the center of the Noble Sanctuary (al-Haram ash-Sharif) of the Blessed Masjid Al-Aqsa. He (saw) ascended into the heavens for the next part of this incredible journey, the Mi‘raj, the Ascension!

Despite some objections and interpretations, the overall narrative of Al Isra Wal Miraj remains an integral part of Islamic belief, symbolizing the Prophet’s exalted status and the profound spiritual dimensions of Islam.

At, we understand the challenges faced by modern Muslims in staying connected with their faith. Our platform is more than just a website; it’s a community and a source of reliable, authentic Islamic knowledge. We are committed to providing a safe, respectful, and informative space for all Muslims,

Events That Took Place in the month of Jamad Al-Awwal

Events That Took Place in the month of Jamad Al-Awwal

  • The Miraculous Mu’tah Battle:The Mu’tah Battle occurred in this month where Hazrat Zaid R.A. had fought with the powerful Roman army consisting of 200,000 men, whereas the Muslim soldiers on the other side were only 3,000. The Muslims had defeated them with the Grace and Blessings of Allah. Prophet Muhammad SAW did not participate in this battle (Ibn Khaldun 267/2).
  • The marriage of Khadijah RA to Prophet Muhammad SAW: Hazrat Khadijah RA had instructed her friend Nafisa to send the proposal of marriage to Prophet Muhammad SAW. After seeking advice from his uncles, Prophet Muhammad SAW accepted the proposal. At this point in time, our Prophet was 25 years old and Khadijah was 40 years of age. (Al-Bidaya wal- Nihaya 358/2).
  • Hazrat Jaffar RA martyred: In the battle with the Byzantines, Hazrat Zaid RA was martyred. Hazrat Jaffar RA took the charge and fought with bravery. Prophet Muhammad said: “JIbreel has told me that Allah has granted Jaffar two wings to fly within the paradise” as both of his hands were cut off during the battle (Al-Isti’ab fi ma’rifat al-ashab 241/1).
  • Birth of Our Beloved Zainab RA: Hazrat Zainab RA was the third child after Imam Hussain RA of Fatima RA. She led an honorable life, although she had to go through a lot of miseries. She had to face the grief of losing her brother Imam Hussain during her lifetime. Her final resting place is in Egypt (Al-Ala’m Lil-Zarkali 66/3)
  • Birth of Zain ul Abideen: He is also known to be the Son of the best parents. And was honored by his companions. He was a pious believer and very generous towards the poor and needy. Sadly, he was poisoned to death (Tehzeeb-ul-Kamaal 404, 403/20).

Jamad Al-Awwal is and will be always remembered by Muslims around the world for the number of incidents that took place during this month.

Rabi al-Awwal

Rabi al-Awwal important to Muslims

After Muharram and Safar, Rabi al-Awwal is the third month in the Islamic calendar.

Birth of the final Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (saw), to whom the Qur’an was revealed.

The Prophet’s (saw) Hijrah, during which he moved from Makkah to Madinah. From this occasion, the Islamic calendar is calculated. The Prophet’s (saw) passing away on 12 Rabi al-Awwal, the eleventh year of Islam. Special blessings or benefits

The Prophet (saw) was sent into the world on Rabi al-Awwal, and he was returned to Allah on that month. The birth of the Prophet (saw) in this month brought blessings to humanity. He (saw) that he would eventually lead the world out of ignorance and oppression and into the light of Tawhid, which would usher in real justice and peace, starting with the Arabs, Persians, and Romans. His birth was ‘a mercy to the worlds’ [The Noble Qur’an, 21:107], and Allah chose Rabi al-Awwal to illuminate us with this mercy.

Though many narrations disagree on the precise day, the Prophet (saw) was born in Makkah on a Monday in the month of Rabi al-Awwal. Many narrations say the 12th, but others have mentioned different dates between the 8th and the 17th. Nevertheless, he (saw) was definitely born on a Monday.

Because so many important things happened in the Prophet’s life during this time, Rabi-ul-Awwal considered a good month. To maximise this period of time.

Muslims around the world should perform the following acts: During Rabi ul-Awwal, Muslims should increase their salutation upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Doing so will earn them blessings from the Prophet and the favour of Allah as the Prophet once said that whoever sends good wishes for me, Allah will send tenfold blessings upon him.

The Hijrah, when the Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakr travelled from Mecca to Medina, is the occasion from which we date the Islamic calendar.

In the eleventh year of Islam, on Monday, Rabi al-Awwal, the Prophet (PBUH) passed away His family and closest friends had come to understand that he would soon be going back to Allah because he had been ill in the days preceding his death.

During this time, Muslims should perform more acts of Sunnah and inculcate them in their way of life

Unlike some of the other significant months in the Islamic calendar, there are no recommendations to fast, pray, or make dua during Rabi al-Awwal. Despite this, it is always a good idea to start practicing Prophetic habits, such as visiting the sick and elderly, feeding the poor, and smiling often; this will revitalise or reinforce your connection with the Prophet (PBUH)..

You can learn from the Prophet’s (PBUH) merciful nature . The allMasajid team wishes you a very happy Rabi al-Awwal



Praise be to Allah

 Who makes science correspond to religion. And peace be upon on our Prophet Muhammad (SAWW), the master of fasting people, and peace be upon on his Family, companions and upon all Muslims who fast on the white days. Among the prophetic signs of the best of human beings is the recommendation of fasting on the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth day of every lunar month.


They were named with this name because the moon becomes full on them and the light becomes strong which makes their nights completely luminous 

there is a relevant relationship (proportional) between the Earth and the Human body as for (distribution). The earth’s surface consists of about 80% liquids (seas, oceans, and rivers) and about 20% solids (lands) · Also the human body consists of about 80% of liquids and about 20% of solids, (this was proved by science). Second: there is a relevant relationship (proportional) between the earth and the human body for (composition): The earth consists of various elements like calcium, magnesium, sodium, bicarbonate, sulfate, iron etc.Also, the human body consists of the same elements. ·For example, if you read the consists of a natural mineral water bottle, you will find that it includes the following elements: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, iron etc. · Whereas the earth is the source of water whether, it’s from wells, rivers, or by desalination of oceans or seas, we drink this water so that our bodies consist of the same elements. · If we also analyzed the components of Vegetables, Fruits, and different kinds of food, we would find that They consist of the same previous elements (as they arise from the earth) and whereas we eat them, our bodies consist of the same earth elements (whether liquids or solids) The foregoing points prove that there is a relevant strong bilateral relationship between the earth and human body


The greatest evidence for that is the following:- · As for the earth, if you went to the seashore on these days, you would see the ebb and flow reaching the peak. 

Dr. Muhammad Ali Al Bar reported on his website, that: Dr. Leber, a psychologist from Miami in the USA, said: “there is a strong relationship between the completion of Moon cycle and Human violence actions,


.” After he had collected the statistics and analyses from the accidents record in hospitals and police stations and compared their dates with the lunar days, it became clear to him that crime committing ratio and destructive road accidents are linked to the moon cycle completion. Also, Persons who are suffering from psychological disorders, personality dualism, and old people are more vulnerable to the moon cycle effect. His studies also proved that the greatest ratio of divorce and severe disputes take place in the middle of the lunar month when the moon is full. Dr. Leber explains his theory by saying:” the human body, like earth’s surface, consists of 80% water and 20% solids, so he believes that the moon’s gravity is responsible for the ebb and flow in both human bodies and oceans when the moon is full in the white days. Dr. Al Bar commented on this study saying:” the Prophetic medicine for this problem is to fast the three white days because Fasting reduces the water ratio in the human body during this period, in which the moon’s effect on the man reaches the peak, and that helps the Man to control his body powers and tendencies, feel with psychological purity, avoid the gravity effect and to have comfort, calmness, and health.


Benefits of Fasting the white days

The recommendation of Fasting the three white days is considered a Prophetic sign…

Fasting isn’t only a kind of worship, obedience and a great reward for Muslims, but also it’s a kind of mercy, health, protection and happiness for the man.


This scientific truth reveals one of the prophet’s miracles that indicates his prophet hood and also asserts that Islam is the true religion revealed from the Creator of the earth and heavens who made the scientific laws of nature. Fourteen centuries ago, nobody knew this scientific truth.


This scientific truth reveals one of the prophet’s miracles that indicates his prophet hood and also asserts that Islam is the true religion revealed from the Creator of the earth and heavens who made the scientific laws of nature. Fourteen centuries ago, nobody knew this scientific truth.

Almighty Allah says about his prophet -peace and blessings be upon him- “Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination, : It is not but a revelation revealed” [Al-Najm 53:3-4]

وَمَا يَنطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَیإِنْ هُوَ إِلاّ وَحْيٌ يُوحَی


Islam really, is a religion for both individuals and country



«كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يأمرنا بصيام أيام البيض ثلاث عشر وأربع عشر وخمس عشر…»   The prophet -peace and blessings be upon him- said “Fasting three days of every month (13th, 14th&15th) is equal to Fasting the life time” [Declared Hasan by Al-Albani]

«صيام ثلاثة أيام من كل شهر صيام الدهر ،وأيام البيض صبيحة ثلاث عشرة ، وأربع عشرة ، وخمس عشرة


Misconceptions about the month of Safar

Our deen is Islam which guides us in each and every aspect of life.

Get the truth about the month of Safar, Month of Safar is the second month in the Islamic calendar.

Safar means whistling of winds. This name was given because of the weather condition of that time.

  1. The Beloved daughter of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wsallam) Fatima Radhi Allahu Anha) married Ali (Radhi Allahu Anha) this month.
  2. Prophet Muhammad ((Sallallaahu Alayhi Wsallam) fell sick at the end of this month and died in the same sickness in the next month on the 12th of Rabiul-Awwal.
  3. Ghazwa-e- Khyber (battle) took place in the same month.
  4. The battle of Abwaa also took place in the month of Safar.

What are some common misconceptions about Safar?

Unlucky happenings such as Diseases,  evils, loss in business, and all the misfortunes are related to this month.  This concept is nothing more than a misconception based on poor knowledge of Islam.

No Muslim should fall into these conceptions which had no foundations in truth.

Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said about Safar:

“No adwaa [transmission of infectious disease without the permission of Allah], no tiyarah [superstitious belief in bird omens], no haamah [refers to a Jaahili Arab tradition described variously as: a worm that infests the grave of a murder victim until he is avenged; an owl; or the bones of a dead person turned into a bird that could fly], and no Safar [the month of Safar was regarded as “unlucky” in the Jaahiliyyah].”

( al-Bukhari, 5757, and Muslim, 2220)


What did the companions of Prophet Muhammad (Sahabah) say about this month?

Jaabir (Radhi Allahu Anha) very clearly mentions the superstitions and the wrong concept of Safar:

“I have heard the Prophet saying, the descending of illness and evil superstition befalling in the month of Safar is untrue.” [Muslim]

Here are 11 Duas To Teach Your Kids

What does Qur’an say about the month of Safar?

Qur’an explicitly rejects this concept of bad omen by saying;

And [for] every person We have imposed his fate upon his neck, and We will produce for him on the Day of Resurrection a record which he will encounter spread open. [It will be said], “Read your record. Sufficient is yourself against you this Day as accountant.”

[13,14 Surah Bani isra’eel]

What comes to you of good is from Allah, but what comes to you of evil, [O man], is from yourself. And We have sent you, [O Muhammad], to the people as a messenger, and sufficient is Allah as Witness.

[79 Surah An Nisa]

There are no bad omens or calamities in any person or any month or any date or number in Islam. If something wrong happens with someone it is due to their evil deeds. We have to work on ourselves to remove calamities from our minds.

This was all about Misconceptions about the month of Safar.

References: Google, Islamic Books




There is a great deal of anticipation as Ramadan draws near in some Muslim communities worldwide. What are some ways we might better prepare ourselves to ensure a more fulfilling Ramadan as we get ready to increase our spiritual worship and introspection, including our charitable quotient?

By the way, this isn’t simply another Ramadan house decoration article; there are many of them online. Now if you’re interested, continue reading for 10 WAYS OF WELCOMING RAMADAN.


You probably wouldn’t read that box of magazines if it had been there for more than six months in the corner of your living room. Put it responsibly in the recycle bins to help yourself and the environment. Begin modestly. Furthermore, clearing your immediate space of clutter has obvious psychological advantages. It aids in lowering tension.

Set a timer if it seems like a huge mountain that won’t be overcome in 24 hours. Start modestly once more. The secret is to be consistent and persistent in your efforts to finish the assignment. It’s not necessary to finish everything in a few hours. It may very well be planned, which presents chances for participation from other family members.
De-cluttering your living spaces first allows you to decorate for Ramadan when the moment is right. Even so, it is obviously optional. It need not be expensive to decorate for the holidays.
Yes, thanks to the growing pandemic, online buying has become a popular activity. However, there are several chances to forge priceless family memories. Searching for DIY creative projects on social media networks is one option. Encourage your kids to design and create Eid cards for friends and family, for example, to (re)nurture human relationships in the age of digitalization and normalized literal social distance.



Ramadan fasting is not a justification for binge eating. unhealthy food is far worse. Ramadan is a perfect month to strive to break bad eating habits, especially during iftar (evening meal after sunset) and sahur/suhur. We discipline ourselves by fasting from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset (pre-dawn meal).
Start by replacing the food stockpiles in the refrigerator with fruit or other wholesome alternatives. Buy prepared foods sparingly because they tend to be high in salt and sugar. Avoid stressful situations that could cause you to get into a routine of stress eating and turn into a vicious cycle. Instead of waiting until the last minute, start your shopping early for healthier options!

Start the kitchen at the same time (more). Put your smartphone aside along with the many delivery applications that are available. To assist you in making some lifestyle adjustments, take the additional step of learning more about the healthful supper that the Prophet Muhammad enjoyed.



playing badminton, swimming, golf, or running. Whatever sport or exercise you enjoy participating in, Ramadan is not the time to fully quit.

Instead, make a plan and set aside time to either adapt your schedule or switch to a less demanding timetable. Use your body’s capacity as a guide if you’re planning to use Ramadan as a spur-of-the-moment opportunity to start becoming active. Aim to maintain a regular activity level without needlessly taxing your body on the first day—or any other day, for that matter!


It is beneficial to have fewer outside distractions during your daily prayer so that you can draw closer to Allah. It doesn’t have to be a separate area reserved only for meditation and prayer. Even so, picking a location free of common household distractions like the TV or areas used for other family activities might be helpful.
To find such a space, the early decluttering procedure might be helpful. To avoid disturbing the quiet time of worship, there must be enough room nearby to set prayer mats, the Quran, prayer beads, and other necessities. Additionally, adding a second lamp to the room to make it brighter could produce a cozier atmosphere that promotes mental clarity and maximum concentration.


The aforementioned considerations make it clear that preparing for Ramadan does not begin the day before or on the first day of Ramadan. In fact, it is suggested that you get started right away because the entire month of Shaban is devoted to that. The Muslim Pro app, available on smartphones, contains the functionality you need to support your everyday devotion. The simplicity of not needing to distribute a tangible Quran or prayer bead is one aspect.
This would undoubtedly also be a fantastic moment to download the Muslim Pro app and check out even more fantastic features. You may share and interact with the greater Muslim Pro family by making intelligent comments on articles, like the one you are reading right now, on the Muslim Pro Connect website.


For those annual Iftars, reservations fill up rather rapidly. Keep the blessings in mind! Send out the invitations and invites right now.


Decide on three objectives you want to accomplish before the end of Ramadan, and begin practicing on them a few days before the month starts. This could involve managing your temper, refraining from backbiting, making more calls to your parents, or maintaining a tidy home.


Start getting ready for Suhur now by rising earlier, changing meal timings, etc., so that you are prepared to start the auspicious month on Day One later this week.


When the month arrives, you should express gladness and gratitude to God.


It’s crucial to follow the rules of fasting to avoid jeopardizing your fasts. Study the fasting practices of the Prophet Muhammad. The best approach is that. In addition to eating and drinking during the fast, harsh language and improper behavior can also ruin the fast.


Today, millions of people struggle with extreme unemployment, crippling debts, anguish, a lack of opportunity for higher education, poverty, starvation, and a lack of clean water. We have a toll at our disposal during this Ramadan to keep up the fight against these social ills: Zakat. Zakat has the power to end poverty, hunger, and thirst. This article will be helping you about EFFECTS OF GIVING ZAKAT ON SOCIETY.

Zakat offers several local, national, and international solutions with a focus on reducing poverty. It is a very potent institution that can help communities all across the world thrive sustainability. Every year, it is thought that between  $200 billion and $2 trillion worth of zakat is produced and distributed globally.

But are you aware of the impact your zakat donation has?



According to the UN, poverty is when you live on $1.90 a day. 

But not all forms of poverty are material. Lack of access to safe drinking water, healthcare, prescription drugs, shelter, food, denial of opportunities, violation of one’s right to human dignity, lack of resources preventing one from participating in society, lack of access to land for growing food, insecurity, and vulnerability to violence are all examples of poverty.


  • 10% of people worldwide made less than $2 each day
  • There are over 700 million extremely poor people.
  • In most regions, the bulk of persons impacted are women, children, and young people.
  • In the world, 85% of people survive on less than $30 each day.
  • The majority of under-five fatalities are brought on by curable illnesses like malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea that are brought on by starvation, tainted water, and poor sanitation.
  • More than 63 million kids between the ages of 6 and 11 do not attend school. There is a chance that this issue will later on grow worse.
  • Today, almost 9% of the world’s population still defecates in the open, contaminating food and water sources.




The following are a few of the social and financial advantages of zakat:


  • It offers those who might otherwise feel forlorn hope.
  • Wealth redistribution.
  • Establishes and upholds human dignity.
  • Creates relationships on a local, national, and international level.
  • Decreases poverty.
  • Financial assistance for clothing, food, and shelter.
  • Support and assistance for heavily indebted people.
  • It stops the destitute from using illegitimate or illegal methods to make a living.
  • It aids in bridging the wealth gap and the poverty gap.
  • Encourages generosity and selflessness.
  • Prevents the accumulation of riches.
  • Raises awareness of pertinent issues in your community and around the world.
  • Eliminates interpersonal disputes.
  • Creates a community of ownership.
  • The creation of social security.

Top Muslim Festivals 2022



Consider the word “dignity”. Everyone has a right to dignity and their self-respect. Islam does not support begging, as it reduces the level of self-respect in one’s own eyes. Islam aims to make things right before anyone has to start begging. The fact that Islam places a high value on human dignity is one of its most significant characteristics. Zakar distribution does not equate to giving the needy charity. Zakat is an effective instrument to re-distribute wealth to those who are most in need, many of whom are living in poverty through no fault of their own but because of tragic circumstances, such as war, lack of resources, and consequential constraints. Many people even kids are compelled to report to world early at the expense of skipping their school,

Zakat is more than just charitable contributions. Much more than that is involved. In essence, zakat is a percentage of one’s wealth that is legally paid to those who are entitled to it and fulfills the threshold. According to our prophetic traditions, the giver should extend their hand under it while donating to charity, and the one receiving it should place their hand over yours to accept it. This simple action curbs arrogance and a sense of entitlement. Since it is their right, it protects the recipient’s ability to regain and uphold their dignity. Zakat is the mechanism in Islam that makes community sustenance possible  



Some people choose to make their Zakat donations informally, among themselves, which is fantastic and strongly encouraged!

There is also a potent method of distributing your Zakat through renowned and trustworthy institutions.

This was all about EFFECTS OF GIVING ZAKAT ON SOCIETY. If you have any suggestion or question, just comment below.


Indeed reciting the holy Quran is believed to be one of the holiest acts for Muslims. So let’s find the 10 benefits of reciting the Quran

1)It calms the heart

Allah SWT says in Quran 13:28 Allah(SWT) says “verily with the remembrance of Allah, do heart find peace” Quran (13:28)

Each letter recited is worth ten rewards

The prophet(SAW) said alif-ا laam- ل‎  and meem-م is not one letter, rather Alif is one letter, laam is one letter, and meem is one letter. So for reciting alif-ا laam-م‎  meem-م alone, you have 30 rewards! imagine reciting an entire chapter! There will be so many reward

2)It draws a person closer to Allah SWT

Allah’s words and message are included in the Qur’an. Recite and read Allah’s verses if you desire to be near to him.


3)Quranic knowledge increases one’s rank

Someone who is loyal to the Qur’an heard what the prophet (SAW) had to say. Read aloud and repeat like you would in Dunya. The verse you speak last will determine your rating. Therefore, you will advance in rank the more you repeat.

Here are 11 duas to teach your kid

4)The Qur’an will act as its companions’ intercessor.

Read the Qur’an, the prophet (SAW) advised, for it will undoubtedly appear on the Day of Judgment and intercede for its followers. So who are the Qur’anic companions? those who commit themselves to the Qur’an. those who continuously and continuously recite the Qur’an.

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5)Expert or not, there’s always a reward for you

The Prophet(SAW) said an expert with Qur’an will be with a noble righteous scribe (the angels). And he who struggles while reciting finds it difficult has double rewards. Either way, you are a gainer!

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6)Source of direction and light in our daily life

Among many other things, the Quran is a manual on how to avoid calamities in life. To prepare them to be respectable adults and stay away from pressures in their lives, both Muslims and non-Muslims should, in my opinion, teach all children and teenagers what is prescribed for us.


7)Quran is a source of Light and Direction in Everyday Life

Among many other things, the Quran is a manual on how to avoid calamities in life. To prepare them to be respectable adults and stay away from pressures in their lives, both Muslims and non-Muslims should, in my opinion, teach all children and teenagers what is prescribed for us.


8)Soul and Body Healing

You can heal your body and soul by reciting the Holy Quran, which is one of its advantages. In the Qur’an, Allah the Almighty states:

“And We send down the Quran that which is healing and mercy for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss.” [Quran, 17: 82]

9)Defending oneself against the trials of life

In addition to the previously mentioned factors, reciting the Quran while considering its contents and applying them to one’s life aids a Muslim in the remaining firm in the face of difficulties. In the Qur’an, Allah the Almighty states:

“And those who disbelieve say, “Why was the Quran (standardize the words and transliterated terms you use like Quran, PBHU or saw, etc.) not revealed to him all at once?” Thus [it is] that We may strengthen your heart. And We have spaced it distinctly.” [Quran, 25: 32]

10)Mindset adjustment

Along with the significance of reciting the Holy Quran every day, you should also modify your outlook in order to avoid erring as a result of life’s changes.

It was all about BENEFITS OF RECITING QURAN, if you wanna become successful in life, make it habit to recite Quran daily.

Top Muslim Festivals 2022

As we all know festivals are days used to remember a specific day or event. While there are so many different festivals celebrated by Muslims all around the world but today we are going to focus on the top/main Muslim festivals that are celebrated all around the world.

Here are Top Muslim Festivals

1)Eid ul Fitr

Top Muslim Festivals
Image source: Yandex

The major Muslim holiday, Eid ul Fitr, which literally translates as “festival of breaking the fast,” is observed by Muslims all around the world. At the conclusion of Ramadan, a holy month, the feast is observed. Muslims believe that Ramadan teaches them self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice, and empathy for the less fortunate. Additionally, it promotes charitable giving and required giving. In the Shawwal month, Muslims commemorate Eid-ul-Fitr. On this day, they say extra prayers.

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2)Eid ul Adha 

Because the Day of Sacrifice is the culmination of the Hajj or Pilgrimage, the fifth pillar of Islam, Eid al-Adha has a unique significance. Only those men and women who are physically and financially capable of performing it once in their lives are required to make this annual pilgrimage to Makkah and Madinah in Saudi Arabia.


3) Islamic new year

The day that heralds the start of a new lunar Hijri year and is the day on which the year count is increased is known as the Islamic New Year, also known as the Hijri New Year or Arabic New Year. Most Muslims mark the first day of the month of Muharram as the start of the Islamic year. The Hijrah, or the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w. and his followers’ migration from Mecca to Medina, which corresponds to 622 CE in the Gregorian calendar, was chosen as the epoch (the reference date) of the Islamic period.

4)Milad ul nabi

Milad ul nabi is the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, which falls on the third day of the Islamic month of Rabi al-Awwal. The majority of Sunni academics recognize the date of the 12th of Rabi’ al-Awwal, whereas the majority of Shia scholars accept the date of the 17th of Rabi’ al-Awwal.

The origins of this holiday can be traced back to the early days of Islam when some of the Tabi’un started to host sessions during which crowds were entertained with poetry and songs dedicated to Muhammad. According to legend, Muzaffar al-Din Gökböri (d. 630/1233), the first Muslim king, celebrated the birth of Muhammad in a formal manner with a grand event.

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The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is commemorated by Muslims all over the world as a time for prayer, fasting (sawm), introspection, and community. The annual Ramadan observance, which marks the anniversary of Muhammad’s first revelation, is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and lasts from one sighting of the crescent moon to the next for a period of twenty-nine to thirty days.

All adult Muslims who are not terminally or chronically ill, travelling, old, breastfeeding, diabetic, or menstruation are required to fast from sunrise to sunset. Suhur, the meal eaten before dawn, and iftar, the meal eaten at sunset to break the fast, are the two terms used.